ReInk - Making test report


Different printers may have different commands to do various things. In particular - to read from or write to EEPROM.

So, this is unsafe to try to use the same write command on all printers - it can break something. :) To avoid this, we need accurately inspect the protocol of an unknown printer before doing something with it.

Unfortaintly, I have only one Epson printer. Hence, I can't inspect others. But you CAN.


As mentioned on main page feature list, ReInk can make a testreport for you.

Turn on your printer, and run the command:

./reink -t -r <your printer raw device file> > <report file>
For example:
./reink -t -r /dev/usb/lp0 > testreport.log

Note that you need read and write access to device file in order to make correct test report!

Upon completion, testreport.log file will contain some technical information about your printer.

Beginning with version 0.2 ReInk can do two-pass reports. They help me to know more about printer's EEPROM structure. After successful complete of the first pass, you can recieve such a prompt:

Report complete. Thank you.
You will provide even more help for me if
you run printer head cleaning now and
then make another report with command:
./reink -r /dev/usb/lp0 -tXXXX > ./testreport2.log

XXXX is some digits. If you see them, then you're lucky and perhaps your printer will be supported by ReInk soon. Before making second-pass report you have to make printer's head cleaning (it will force ink levels change in printer, so I then can try to identify EEPROM addresses with ink information). To make second-pass report just execute the command in the last line of the prompt. If you didn't recieve such a prompt, then you're less lucky, but your first-pass report is still useful for me. Thank you. :)

Then you should open new issue on github with the name of your printer and attach report there. If there is already an issue for you printer, you should attach test report to that existent issue. Please don't think that if there is already an issue for your priner, your report isn't helpful. The more reports I have - the faster support for your printer will become available!